My Tickets

David Rose

Stop and Smell The Me

  • Australia

By the time you read this I will be dead, assuming you read this in the year 2100.

If you're reading it in 2025, the good news is that I am currently not dead and am, in fact, touring a brand new hour of stand-up comedy. The show will feature amusing stories and gags covering a range of topics, some of which I am currently aware of and some of which a future version of me will have written between now and then. 

If I know me (and I usually have a pretty good relationship with myself), these jokes will be charming, self deprecating, laced with healthy doses of anxiety and scorn, and will be the best jokes I've written in over a decade of performing comedy.

Last year I got a review that said I was both an "accomplished comic" and a master of self-sabotage. Since then I have become even more accomplished, though I believe my capacity for self sabotage has diminished. I suppose I'm not the most qualified person to make that assessment, but I don't know who else to ask. I'm worried I'd sabotage it.

They told me I had a limit of 7000 characters for a show description, but we're already at 1200 and this already feels excessive, so I'm just going to leave some quotes from last year below:

‘Rose is a young comedian whom the older fraternity of Australian comedy need to watch out for. He is current; his material well-polished and (more importantly) funny; his banter is confident and smooth. It’s almost as if one has just walked into his living room and he is speaking only to you.’ ★★★★½ Glam Adelaide

'A sharp joke writer and a solid performer... he's really good at self-sabotage.' Chortle (UK)

Suitable for audiences 15+

Language – occasional coarse language

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By the time you read this I will be dead, assuming you read this in the year 2100.

If you're reading it in 2025, the good news is that I am currently not dead and am, in fact, touring a brand new hour of stand-up comedy. The show will feature amusing stories and gags covering a range of topics, some of which I am currently aware of and some of which a future version of me will have written between now and then. 

If I know me (and I usually have a pretty good relationship with myself), these jokes will be charming, self deprecating, laced with healthy doses of anxiety and scorn, and will be the best jokes I've written in over a decade of performing comedy.

Last year I got a review that said I was both an "accomplished comic" and a master of self-sabotage. Since then I have become even more accomplished, though I believe my capacity for self sabotage has diminished. I suppose I'm not the most qualified person to make that assessment, but I don't know who else to ask. I'm worried I'd sabotage it.

They told me I had a limit of 7000 characters for a show description, but we're already at 1200 and this already feels excessive, so I'm just going to leave some quotes from last year below:

‘Rose is a young comedian whom the older fraternity of Australian comedy need to watch out for. He is current; his material well-polished and (more importantly) funny; his banter is confident and smooth. It’s almost as if one has just walked into his living room and he is speaking only to you.’ ★★★★½ Glam Adelaide

'A sharp joke writer and a solid performer... he's really good at self-sabotage.' Chortle (UK)

Suitable for audiences 15+

Language – occasional coarse language

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Melbourne International Comedy Festival acknowledges the traditional custodians of the lands upon which we work and live. We acknowledge the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples' spirit, imagination and rich history of storytelling and humour that is an inspiration to all Australians.

We accept the invitation to walk together with First Nations people towards a more positive future for Australia, as described in the Uluru Statement From The Heart.