Ainslie Rose
Ainslie's Bootcamp
Only 1% of comedians make it in the industry and Ainslie is that 1%. So what happens to the other 99% of comedians?
They have a better chance at qualifying for the Brisbane 2032 Olympic Games and guess what comedian/fitness coach has got some spare time to turn these comedians into – athletes?
Ainslie does.
Watch and learn as Ainslie takes a group of comedians through a gruelling workout to turn these failing comedy careers into successful sporting careers.
Suitable for audiences 13+
Audience participation
Language – strong coarse language
Sudden loud noises
Only 1% of comedians make it in the industry and Ainslie is that 1%. So what happens to the other 99% of comedians?
They have a better chance at qualifying for the Brisbane 2032 Olympic Games and guess what comedian/fitness coach has got some spare time to turn these comedians into – athletes?
Ainslie does.
Watch and learn as Ainslie takes a group of comedians through a gruelling workout to turn these failing comedy careers into successful sporting careers.
Suitable for audiences 13+
Audience participation
Language – strong coarse language
Sudden loud noises